Dubai Customs Is One Of The Leading Government Departments Taking Part In Enhancing Sustainable Development And Promoting Dubai’s Image Worldwide. Turning it into a principal capital, business and tourism destination, as it facilitates smooth movement of legitimate trade and leverages economic and social development, the matter which is consistent with its slogan stating “gateway to Dubai’s prosperity”, because prosperity is usually based on free trade through a safe, fast and practical environment to meet the needs of people and adapt to their requirements.
This in addition to DC’s main role to protect society and borders against those who try to smuggle prohibited substances to or through Dubai threatening the community safety and security. Dubai Customs works relentlessly to deliver top-notch services to its clients by developing and innovating new methods to facilitate customs procedures, in compliance with Dubai Government Strategic Plan, which aims at consolidating the Emirate’s position and maintaining rates of economic growth, supporting creativity and innovation with in UAE, encouraging governmental bodies make so in consistent with innovation initiatives to be launched by UAE leadership, including declaring 2015 “Year of Innovation” according to the directives of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President, as well as the National Innovation Strategy launched by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, aiming at making the UAE among the most innovative nations in the world within seven years, and other similar initiatives aiming at promoting a culture of innovation in governmental practices.
Dubai Customs plays a key role in protecting the community from the infiltration of drugs and prohibited goods to local use, as they impose a great risk on man’s health, the economy and the society’s elements in general. For that purpose, Dubai Customs uses the latest and most advanced scanning and inspection devices world-class, side-by-side to the high qualified human cadre whose members received specialized training